Thursday, December 24, 2009


Katie ( is the girlf yang can feel when the spirit is near with her)

Micah (is the boyf yang tersangat caring but dia tak caya sangat about spiritual ni semua)

The psychic (is the doctor yang try to help masalah si girlf)

The psychic: You cannot run from this- it will follow you. It may lay dormant for years. Something may trigger it to become more active and it may over time reach out to communicate with you.

Micah: What if we just get this Ouija board and we find out what it wants and then we give it what it wants? Then it's gone.
The Psychic: Because what it probably wants is Katie.


Micah: I understand where you're coming from- just remember too, that you didn't exactly warn me about this kind of stuff before we moved in together, so I think I have a little bit of say in what we do.

Katie: I get that, but honestly what was I supposed to say? On our first date, 'Hey, I think there's a demon that I think has been following me.'

Micah: No, but maybe on our fifteenth date, or our thirtieth date, or when we decided to live together... that might've been a good thing to bring up

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