Thursday, December 24, 2009


Katie ( is the girlf yang can feel when the spirit is near with her)

Micah (is the boyf yang tersangat caring but dia tak caya sangat about spiritual ni semua)

The psychic (is the doctor yang try to help masalah si girlf)

The psychic: You cannot run from this- it will follow you. It may lay dormant for years. Something may trigger it to become more active and it may over time reach out to communicate with you.

Micah: What if we just get this Ouija board and we find out what it wants and then we give it what it wants? Then it's gone.
The Psychic: Because what it probably wants is Katie.


Micah: I understand where you're coming from- just remember too, that you didn't exactly warn me about this kind of stuff before we moved in together, so I think I have a little bit of say in what we do.

Katie: I get that, but honestly what was I supposed to say? On our first date, 'Hey, I think there's a demon that I think has been following me.'

Micah: No, but maybe on our fifteenth date, or our thirtieth date, or when we decided to live together... that might've been a good thing to bring up

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


hmmmm well nothing to say here but something weird kan? rasa tak? tak? hmm ok then.
actually on 20 dec 2009 ni kan hari yg sgt la aku tak tawu nk ckp apa. ye la aku kn bnyak slh dgn kau. aku selalu je pikir bukan2 pasal kau. aku ckp kau itu la ini la but then kau sebenarnya tgh busy. well tak tawu la kan but tu je aku nk ckp


kau la kwn aku smpai bila2 even kau dah lupa best friend kau ni sape la kan.
aku phm kau dah ada kwn baru semua la kan.

hmmmm may god bless u syera. :) and wish u happy all the time with your ganja ganja..

ok sweet 16 bitch! :*

stina nasir

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


hmmmmm apa nk cakap. just

aku nk buat poem well kwn baik kau dah buat kn. aku nk bagi apa ??
tak ade apa. ala kau tak payah la susah2 ke apa. kau pon bukan bagi apa pon kat aku kan. hahahhah
fair la...
so anything else? no? ok then aku nk ckp TADAA!
hahha ingt lagi apa itu 'TADAA!?'

jangan kau lupe yer.... OUR secRET. HEE.
wish u happy all the time with me.

bye syesye

love, TYRA,



New day,
New hour,
New week,
New month,
New minute,

semua pon dlm 'new' AND AND AND!
paling penting la.

New LIFE..!

pleaseeeeee so so so please bagi la new life dekat dorng2 tu yang tak ada life.
oh ok apa nk ckp? hmm speechless babe. sebab apa taw. dah lama tak online. sgt tak ada idea mahu type apa ni.

hari2 pon bosan. nothing to do la . dah mcm beruk dah haa kat rumah ni...................
tapi kalau masam je memnjang kn nanti cepat tua. so kita semua kena lah senyum selalu....
mcm ni.

alahai.. kan bagus tu. so ok la. bye semua org yg tidak dikenali.. TADAAA!