The Screen At Kamchanod (Thai) Movie
Classification: 18PL
Genre: HorrorGeneral Release
Date: 13 Aug 2009
Running Time: 1 Hour 35 Minutes,
Distributor: Grand Brilliance
Cast: Namo Tongkumnerd, Pakkaramai Potranan
Director: Songsak Molkothong
While best known internationally for producing films by arthouse faves Pen-Ek Ratanaruang and Wisit Sasanatieng Thai production house Five Star Productions were clever enough to realize a good while back that the art houses don’t pay the bills. And so they’ve turned to producing some of the countries better horror films, the latest of which is about to have its world premiere at the American Film Market. A complete English language website has just gone up for former Pang Brothers’ assistant Songsak Mongkolthong’s The Screen At Kamchanod has just gone online, and good thing. It’s packed with fascinating information on the project, which is based on an actual event that took place in the rural countryside, where outdoor film screenings are still common, eighteen years ago.
In 1987, four movie screeners stumbled upon a chilling event as they were hired to screen a movie in the forest of Kamchanod, Udon Thani Province.
The screeners were wondering why they had no audience at all yet. Yet, as the movie was about to end, a group of people emerged from the forest and lined up in front of the screen. To the screener’s surprise, the audience also began to disappear as mysteriously as they had appeared out of nowhere.
This mystery became a legend which a group of medical professionals had banded together to prove impossible, with a theory that if those film reels were to be found and projected in the same location, it would be a way to bring back the apparition that had appeared on that fateful night.
Stumbling upon clues, the curious group unknowingly falls into a situation that had occurred 18 years ago, endangering their own lives for the sake of proving a haunting legend.
Based on a supposed true story that took place in 1987, an outdoor film screening was booked at the Kamchanod forest reserve. The projection crew rolled the film but there was no audience, until near the end when some ghosts came out of nowhere. A young doctor, Yuth, wants to find out the mystery behind this screening. With his wife, nurse Om, journalist friends Ji and Phann and neighbourbood street guy Roj, the doctor tracks down the film and arranges a screening. Soon after, all the members of the group start seeing dead people.
The Screen at Kamchanod has all promising elements that could boost its new cinematic superiority in horror, a recent attempting trend by many directors as the genre is believed to get saturated in the industry. Based on the true story from the newspaper report in 1991, a doctor and his team try to investigate over the mystery of a group of showmen who were hired to arrange outdoor screenings at Kamchanod, Udonthani Province. According to them, no audiences attended the show until late of the night. Suddenly a number of people came to the screening place. Strangely, these audiences were clearly divided into two groups – the women-in-white at one side and men-in-black at the other. They all watched the film without reaction, and then disappeared rapidly at 4.00 am.
The film starts with Dr. Yuth and his team trying to track down the legend. They went to see the half-alive-half-dead showman and find the film reels that were once screened at the Kamchanodin 1991. But once they set to see the film together, all of them meet several strange incidents afterward. They all see ghosts, and encounter each particular way of tragic ending. In the final episode, Dr. Yuth decides to prove the truth himself.
First-time helmer Songsak Mongkolthong shows his potential directorial ability in setting up a cold atmosphere that culminates into the silent fear by the characters, and later shared to us the audiences. The best part of it is when the mysterious film reels are screened to Dr. Yuth and his team. While all the eyes are pointed at the screen, little by little the characters feel that they are not watching the movie alone. The next seat is unexplainably pushed down and kept in that position. A mysterious hand is fondling on your feet. He is aware of it, but try to say nothing and then silently lift his up himself. And that is not only the thrilling experience we will meet in The Screen at Kamchanod.
The story development is found a bit too slow and unclear, as the director-cum-writer perhaps want to conclude it in a shocking final wrap-up. Also a bit too cheesy with double-crossed plan that lead to the ending. But good characterization – no one is perfect. Good to test your courage
– watching the film at night. Beware – someone might join you to watch the film!
(YA RITE...bosan nk mampos kau suruh tgk malam.hotak kau la.habis 12 hengget aku ada la lepas tu menghabis kan 1 jam 35 minit aku ada lah.!!)
aku rasa la kan nek nak lagi best la akn.coming soon pon bodoh jugak la.
bodoh punya cerita ok!!
*nek nak* (ni cite ape eh?)

*nang nak*
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